Happiness is a Choice

Happiness is a Choice

I have a sign up on the wall where I live, as soon as I enter the stairs,the sign says " Do something everyday that makes you happy" I deliberately put the sign there as a reminder to self that life is more than work, fixing probems and routine. There must be a balance. 

Putting yourself first must be a priority, we are talking taking care of your needs in a way that makes you useful to both yourself and to others.
Have you ever asked yourself what makes you happy?
What brings you joy?
And actually do them?
without feeling guilty? 
without questioning why?

Do it and see what happens to you, your mood and those around you when you show up in joy. Joy is an inside job. It surpasses happiness which can be dependent on circumstances.
Joy says even in the moment I know, I just know this will pass and I can return to a space of something good.
When you treat yourself you say to the Universe that yes, I am worthy, I am valuable, I am preparing myself for that you - Universe- wants me to partner with you in doing.
So go ahead, do something today that makes you happy.
You will reap the results from that decision- and so will everyone else around you.


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