What I Learned from living in the Not Know

This time has forced us to not know. Maxie McCoy

This is such a peculiar time in history, this new time is one where uncertainty has certainly been a feature in most of our lives.

Because of the Corona, the predictability of life as we once knew it has gone.
Many people cannot plan for the future, even for simple things. I was taught that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I respected that view and made a comprehensive plan for my life which was going well until it blew up like a bomb and forced me to restart.
So in this time where planning is no longer a fool proof method that leads to a successful execution and outcome, many people, including me, are out of sorts.

What I did learn from the uncertaintly is that half of the so called planning was based on control and fear. Wanting to make sure everything goes right, no mess ups!
I also leared that there can be creativity and innovation in the meantime, in the unknown.
We find new methods to live and work, some of it worth keeping.
I have learned that surrender does not mean giving up, it means doing all that you can and then getting out of your own way to trust yourself and trust the process.
I have learnt that not knowing does not translate into "I am a failure" or "I have failed"
Solutions can come from the not know
Discipline can come from the not know
Self Trust can come from the not know
Not knowing is now part of the process.
We can move forward without knowing everything- how boring would that be if we left no room for mystery?



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