Abundance Consciousness

Prosperity is the out-picturing of substance in our affairs. Everything in the Uni-verse is for us. Nothing is against us. Life is ever giving of Itself. We must receive, utilize and extend the gift. Success and prosperity are spiritual attributes belonging to all people, but not necessarily used by all.” 

- Ernest Holmes
I love this Universe! I mean, it really really has my back, all the bloody time, so why I say this? I got so excited this morning, because it smacked me right up the head with its awesomeness! Ok I am home in Trinidad for carnival and truth be told, I love carnival, I love the energy, the atmosphere, the creativity, the freedom, its hard to beat! Been all over the world and there really is nothing to compare! And saying all that I have been a little subdued about it as many of these events cost a crapload of cash!  I mean yeah a party can set you back a cool 120usd easy peasy! So I have been saying over and over, I am not participating I am not going to the parties and taking it easy this year because I am starting over from scratch and in between gigs, cash flow hasn't been coming in since last year! And then I am reading his morning, I wrote down how I want my life to look in 2014 and I wrote abundance and prosperity- and at the side of that I wrote "to manifest abundance and prosperity read the Abundance Book by John Randolph Rice, and start acting abundant, a prosperity consciousness"
I pick up the book this morning and it said, watch what you say about what you cannot do because you do not have money. What? Watch the words and energy you put into the atmosphere about not having money. huh? The Universe is limitless and your thoughts and words create your reality!! well well well!! I have been creating with my thoughts and words this whole situation the whole bloody time!!!
So what else am I creating with my thoughts, words, deeds? I better pay attention!
Focus on what you WANT! not on what you don't wan, watch your words, the moaning and complaining multiplies more of what you don't want!



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