Renewal and Evolution
Surrender It's not about giving up or bowing down. It's about holding on to the knowledge that something bigger and more powerful than you is at work beneath the surface of your experience, and that it will take you exactly where you need to be. Now, in hard times, surrender is probably the greatest challenge you will encounter because it's so hard to accept uncertainty. But that, my beloved, is the point. You don't know what's to come, but you must know that whatever happens, you will be OK. Iyanla There is nothing for me to prove to the doubters or those who just aren’t free enough to believe in the possibility + probability of positivity+ pure intentions. My drive is fuelled by my desire to be sure that my ancestors are aware of my gratitude for all that came before me to ground me + to project me into my presentness Every breath is blessed responsibility. My drive is also fuelled by the belief that I am and will continue to be a demonstra...