Can we just start?

Can we just start where we are .....and trust? Deborah L Johnson

Wanting to have it all lined up and figured out and orderly according to your definition is a receipe for stress. I guarantee it
I'm over it, I am over the obsessiveness of wanting to control and know everything
What if we dare to trust?
What if we dare to believe?

Somethings we just have to leap out on faith, the mystery and magic is part of life, life will not be denied, life just keeps bing life

We keep wanting it to line up based on the past, on society, on fear,on having our own way
What if we trust and believe?
What if we go on what we know NOW?

Im triggered today by this because right now I am planning an event- for the second time
I have no idea about what's going to happen and yes it's pretty darn scary but I have to trust, believe, allow it, align with the belief and own it
What if I trust and do the work to ensure that I am doing my ultimate best?
What if I go with the flow?
What if I believe?
Isn't that easier than wanting to know everything before hand? How boring is that?
It's depressing me looking to think about what if and what could and why not and if if if I fail
So I'm done with that
Dare to believe because all things are lessons that God will have us learn


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