Only Action Brings Courage

You don't have to fast, light candles, hang wind chimes from your back porch, and turn vegetarian in order to get directions on what to do with your mind, body, spirit, and life. You simply need to respond to the signals: body stress, emotional input, mental highs and lows, your intuition. Courage is something that will never enter you through prayer. Only action brings courage. If you can't immediately respond to major stress signals, or strong creative direction, then respond by doing something "small." Just respond.  Carolyn Myss

I have been practising, starting small, speaking out loud and saying what I was always afraid to say, for whatever reason, mainly fear because I have learnt that - action brings courage

I have been going harder with my exercise routine, pushing through the barrier because I have learnt that action brings courage

I have been saying no a lot more because I have learnt that action brings courage

I have been saying a bod yes more because I have learnt that action brings courage

I have been resting my body more without feeling guilty about it because I have learnt that action brings courage

Starting small because action takes courage

Just plain ole starting because action takes courage

Because this action comes from a place of love
it comes from a place of intuition 
it comes from a place of wanting to be the best me
and sometimes the action requires stillness and silence


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