Eliminate the Guesswork

Knowing who you are eliminates the GUESS WORK in life. Knowing short-circuits hoping, wishing and trying. When you know who you are, you are open to every experience. You know there is always room for self-improvement and that where you are is an opportunity. When you know who you are, you remain open to new insights, new information. 

You also know that what you learn at any given moment will assist and guide you on the path to where you desire to be. When you know yourself, you know your strengths. You embrace your weaknesses. You know that everything and everyone is pointing you in the right direction: The direction of learning more, embracing more information about exactly who you are. When you know who you are, you are always grateful. You are grateful for all that you have seen. All that you have done. All that you have lost and all that you have received. 

When you know who you are, you know in this very perfect moment that all that you are is more than enough to answer any question you might have about where to go and what to do. Iyanla

Have you ever sat a moment and asked yourself " Who Am I?"
Have you ever sat a moment and asked yourself " What brings me joy?"
Have you ever sat a moment and asked yourself " What are my strengths?"
Have you ever sat a moment and asked yourself "What triggers me?
Have you ever sat a moment and asked yourself " Am I growing and learning in this experience"

Do it
Take some time out of your life and sit a while and ponder this
You will be amazed at what comes up, what leaves, what happens when you do
Gone is the need to be defensive, prove things to people, you get clear, you mould your vision and put in the work
You atone, you forgive, you know your triggers
I highly recommend it
and when you do, drop me a line and share the lessons on the Journey



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