Easy Ecuador - Day 3

Close your Eyes and Open your Mind - Alicia Rodriguez

This is my third day in Ecuador , the first two went by as a blur, lots of planes and taxis and stops at  mercados and supermercados and bancos and all the other o's!

The place is a throwback! Simple living, Community Living, Subsistence farming, fishing for dinner, know your neighbours, say hello, well Hola, to everyone that passes you on the streets

The Cassita that I am staying in is lovely, view of the ocean, compost heap outside, food grown outside, nice people in the homestead, the beach is nearby I walked to it this afternoon. I absolutely love it
There is no television - confessions on the Journey - I love love Boxing Day English Premier League. I didn't see a television and got a little anxious! What? no football today? Then I talked myself into calming down -  I am supposed to be relaxing and reflecting and rebooting plus no football for one day will not be the end of the world- self talk was on point and most required!

Anyways, blessings to you and yours in whatever it is that you are doing for the seaon
May it be filled with love



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