Feelings Are Guides
You're spending too much time
"in your head" these
days. How about getting out
of your thoughts and into
your feelings? You've analyzed it to
death. Now it's
about moving from your head to
your heart. Neale Donald Walsh
Your feelings trigger your mind to take action, or not take action
then we start overthinking the thing so much that we either move or don't move - total opposite of what we were guided to do
why? because many times the feeling is illogical, may times the feeling guides us to doing something that is out of the ordinary, it may guide us to change - and we all know how humans feel about change
it may lead us to cry- another social construct which says too much crying may come accross as weak
We want to "safeguard" ourselves, feelings allow for vulnerability which is another social construct looked upon as weak
Use them as they are supposed to be used - as a guide
when the guide leads you to the spot- it leaves you to get on with it, it departs to allow you to so what it is you were guided to do.
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