I surrender control

I surrender control, fear of control, lack of control, the need to control and all issues related to control at their deepest root and cause, in my mind, heart, life, and in the world.
I declare they be exposed and eliminated under grace. 
I surrender attachment to all outcomes that I imagine, demand, fear, require and attempt to control. Iyanla Vanzant
At the beginning of every month I write down what my desired feelings for the month are (usually they are the same, love, contentment, abundance, authenticity, service) then from that I do a check in list which details what are some of the things that I want to come out of those desires (usually they are the same too! I am seeing a pattern here, anyways I digress - get 2 speaking gigs and do my absolute bestest when I am given the opportunity, reduce my debts, and so on)

Lately I have been noticing that these desires are now becoming lists - and I have started getting pretty anxious and sometimes a little under the weather when at the beginning of the following month I review 
I start reading and I realise - okay  I did not do this, nor this, nor this, nor this NOOOOOOO!!! What is really going on?

So for December I have gone back to the basics - How do I want to feel? Do you know we get things to feel a certain way and we can have the feelings most ime without the "things" because it is all inside us?
I focused on how I want to control the outcomes - I am a secret control freak!! who knew??

Control is one of the highest forms of addiction in the world- we want to know! We want to look good, we want praise, we don't want to be hurt! Control cannot solve this! Do the work, do what is required, be open honest and authentic, have faith then let it go

Kyle D Jones, someone I respect a whole lot has a theory that not healing childhood woulds contributes to the feeling that we need to be in control, if we were not protected or did not feel totally loved and cared for during our childhood we resort to protecting ourselves - fair enough! and sometimes this spills over as wanting to be in control, no matter what the consequences are. 
So, what do we do? We know and trust that we are protected, we are loved, we have done the work, we have put in the shift and whatever happens after we will handle it- as part of the wonderful Journey called Life


Order in time for Christmas - Daily Lessons on the Journey - A Journal



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