Healing is not a one size fits all.

Those who have hurt you have no say in how you heal  

How you heal is your responsibility
How you heal is your business
How you heal is your journey
How you heal is on your time
How you heal is your for you, not for anyone else

Healing is not a one size fits all.

Healing is individual.

When others police and judge how you heal, and you listen and pay attention, you have given up your power, you have placed a judgement on yourself. They are paying attention to you and have less time to pay attention to themselves.

Many times, many many times there is some grief, there is anger, there is some rage involved in getting to our healing.
What we do with that when we have no tools, even when we do have tools, is on us. The deeper the wound, the more pain and more time it takes to heal.

Healing takes time, it is a process. 

When we are not supported in our healing there are consequences for everyone involved. Everyone involved will be called in to account.

Feel. Deal. Heal.

That is the process



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