Change Always Happens

 Change comes in all shapes, sizes, and intensities. It happens to all of us. Sometimes it sneaks up on us, sometimes it hits us over the head, sometimes we are lucky enough to choose when and how it happens. But it always happens.  The Change Cycle

I found out yesterday that Loss is a huge part of the process of change. I was intrigued by that as I never conceptualized that it was so simple. The first part of the process of change is the loss we either will have to face or the fear of perceived loss. 

The loss of safety.

The loss of control.

Even when the change is perceived as good, there is is feeling that we are venturing into the unknown.

Having learnt about the process of loss, I am a lot more inclined to approach change knowing that I must accept loss as part of the process especially as fear can lead to doubt, when we are in doubt we slow down or even stop from making decisions. When we do that we become even more resistant to the change. We fight for control - when we really do not have any need to fight nor do we really have control.

Get clear - are you doubting and resisting because of fear or are you willing to surrender?

Change is happening around us especially in this new time of pandemic and revelations. A huge part of surviving is how we are able to move through the process of change. And yes, it is a process so we have to be mindful that it will take time and patience.

Cheers to Change.



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