The Power of Being Authentic

 Guidelines for Creating Authentic Power - Focus on what I can learn about myself all the time, especially from my reactions (such as anger, fear, jealousy, resentment, and impatience), instead of judging or blaming others or myself. - Gary Zukav

My contribution to the 2021 Initiation Portal was called the Power of Authenticity.

I wanted to give my own personal take, the lessons  that I learnt on what authenticity has taught me and how I harnessed  its power to improve  how I live my life now. I wanted to share what and why did I think authenticity was important.    

Authenticity is the knowledge and acceptance of Self - all aspects of Self, the parts you like and the parts you struggle to accept.

Authenticity is the ability to show up with the knowledge that you are divinely guided, through your intuition and other signs which are there for you always.

Authenticity is the recognition that you are a unique being,  filled with innate power.

Authenticity leads to courage, the courage to show up,  to be real, to be in the room

Authenticity leads to setting of boundaries - as you build up your courage, there is no longer the need to ask for permission or to people please.

Authenticity is the cornerstone to knowing self value and self worth. Authenticity is the ability to live our life with total trust in your divine guidance and uniqueness. 

You have to ask yourself questions:

What do I like?

What brings me joy?

What do I appreciate about myself?

When you get curious about these questions and answers, the revelations are startling.

Living authentic is a practice. The work cannot be skipped. 

There will be some off days, but life loves us so much it will keep us on track.


Have you read any of Akosua's work?


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