The Body Can Heal Itself

 Don’t suppress your emotions. but also don’t hold onto them. Touch them and then let them go. Maryam Hasnaa

Yesterday I started reading a book by Emily Francis called "Your Body Heals Itself"

Let me tell you, the number of times whilst reading it that I was overcome by epiphanies and revelations! Our bodies are so marvelous, so intricate, such a well designed machine. I have been taking it for granted.

One thing that stood out for me was the revelation that our muscles stores memories and feelings. When we do not adequately deal with it, they remain in our body and show up like pains and knots! then those pain and knots can turn into diseases.Who knew??

So, maybe some of those pains and niggles in my body represent some emotions and feelings that I allowed to fester? Emily says "the issues are in the tissues" How fitting!

The other part of the book that I totally resonated with was where she pointed out that emotions are released when muscles are massaged and stretched. Have you ever done a massage and stretch and you felt soooo peaceful when it was over?

"Remember that the body heals itself. However it does not heal without your full participation. It's a formula and only you will know what yours will be. You will have to listen to your muscles, your mind, your gut, and your heart. Think of it as a jury. If one of those things votes the other way, there is chaos. You have to do the work to establish the peace within your own being." 

We have to do the work, we have to feel our feelings, balance what we eat, move, exercise and most importantly we have to feed our mind a daily dose of love and acceptance.

It sounds so simple, yet we make it complicated. 

The search for external remedies and solution is only a very small part of our healing journey.



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