Lessons from Saying No to a Scarcity Mentality

 Note to self (and maybe to others) - stop saying yes to work you really want to say no to. A scarcity mentality can back you into corners you never wanted to be in to begin with - Afrobella

There are two affirmations that I use when I feel like I am losing control particularly with finances and jobs - 

God is my only source and supply.

The Universe will provide for me, and I will play my part in my own success.

During the pandemic, I have had to recite these affirmations more than once! trust me!

Confessions on the Journey -  at this present moment, I am doing a job that I truly believe stems from a scarcity mentality. Why? I agreed to it knowing that it will pay bills. I beat myself up on making the choice so much that I just had to stop and say - forgive yourself honey!

What did I learn during the process?

1. Value Yourself - speak up for what you know you are worth.

2. Forgive yourself for making the choice, it feels so much better than beating up on yourself. 

3. Nothing is permanent so this too shall pass.

4. Ask for Courage and Clarity.

5. In all things, give thanks - it rewires your brain.


Have you read any of Akosua's work?


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