Life is Calling Us to Remember

 SOUL DESIRE: To be a channel for unconditional love, abundance, and growth.

PURPOSE: To nurture growth and create community. Solutionary.Com

The brilliant Journey of Life calls for us to remember and to recognize.

Life is a calling for us to remember who we are and recognize that who we are is never dependent on anyone or anything outside of ourselves. That we have been given all the required tools. We may not see, notice or believe that we have, that lack of belief does not change what is.

Think about the signs we have been given when we feel that we are at the end of the rope?

Think about the support you have received in times when we require it?

Think about the grace you have been given when you make choices made in fear?

We are called to recognize and remember that we are on a collective Journey. That may mean we do not always see eye to eye with everyone but we can do it with respect and in love. 

We may have to set some boundaries and say no.

We may have to forgive.

We may have to just be willing to open our minds to seeing things differently.

We may have to be willing to be flexible.

We may have to do new things in new ways which goes totally against what we have been taught by people who mean so much to us.

When we move towards the remembrance and your recognition, we take the time to sit still, to respond minus fear, and on that Journey we see our Purpose, we recognize our Soul Desire, and we get the courage to make the necessary shifts.


Have you read any of Akosua's work?


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