Living in the unknown can be scary

 Living in the unknown can be scary, but there's a very beautiful and mysterious dimension to it. When you're not attached to your mind, or clinging on to it, or trying to control it. you find that your mind starts to function in a completely different way. Integral Enlightenment

I want to know.

I want information.

I want to be briefed.

I want an update.

I want to know when, how,  and why?

Any of these questions sound familiar to you?

These are some of the questions I ask myself when I am having a conversation with myself in my head. , especially when I am about to embark on something new, or get into a new partnership. Anything in the unknown brings on a type of fear which,  somehow I  deduced that knowing everything in advance will assist in me overcoming it, that it will show that I am well prepared and I am not wasting anyone's time. Newsflash - does not work, never did for me, it just made me more anxious. The unknown teaches us about faith, about intuition, about self belief and trust. Knowing everything cannot teach us those lessons - plus its so damn boring to know it all!

 I have learnt that letting go is a process, and a process takes time, letting go involves surrendering to the inner guidance that we all have inside of us. The more we practice using our inner guidance, the more it shows up in our lives as seemingly random timing of information, knowing what to say in the right time, getting a hunch to call or email the best person who can support us and a general peace of mind.

Control is encouraged and rewarded in our society, we are praised for being experts in our fields, the loudest mouths become popular as early as pre school. 

What I have also learnt is that we surely have no control over many of the things that we believe that we do. Recognizing that helps us on the Journey


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