Sustainable Abundance

   Seven Stones of Sustainable Abundance: respect, love, courage, truth, opportunity, wisdom and clarity. Seven Stones Leadership

A very dear friend introduced me to this concept of Sustainable Abundance and I have to say, it resonated deeply with me. The entire concept of building self, and by extension, organizations and communities around the corner stones of respect, love, courage, truth, opportunity, wisdom and clarity get's me excited.

So many of our narratives are based around the bottom line, profit margins, cutting costs and keeping it tight. All of these tenets based on a scarcity mindset. A everything will mindset that everything is limited, not enough and everything will run out.

According to Seven Stones,  courage overcomes fear; love and respect dissolve contempt and disregard; truth exposes dishonesty; opportunity opens closed minds; and clarity and wisdom reveal a better way forward.

If all of us take responsibility for developing our corner stones, imagine what the communities we live in would look like, imagine the possibilities with our organizations. Imagine how would we approach our own lives?

I  have committed to  solidify these corner stones as I navigate these no unprecedented times



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