Joy will wind its way and find you

you can : laugh again after unspeakable loss. joy will wind its way around scars that will never unknot within you – like smiling ivy warming tree roots. Danielle La Porte


This journey is one back to myself. The time in Uganda has opened my eyes and heart in ways that I didn’t even know was possible. It has challenged me to question my own values and validity, to face myself with a type of raw honesty that I never ever did before.

Spending one week in Gulu and Lira brought it more to the forefront. I went with the owner of the Company, the head of the project, a passionate woman with a vision and a drive that is relentless. We stayed at a house protected by the Army in the middle of nowhere! Why protected by the army? She was the first person to start a business when the war ended, a mere few months after the war she started it! The Government told her it was risky, that she could die, they were not providing any “incentives” to businesses to start up there yet. She said I’m doing this, I am a part of this community. They said ok then let us protect you, she accepted. A few years later they are still there walking around with guns and tall boots!

The women in the farmer groups are rebuilding, the war destroyed everything. Schools, churches, roads. All of these can be replaced, what cannot be replaced are families and loved ones.

I’ve learnt that the major problem in our world is the choice we make to see each other, our brothers and sisters, as different to who we are, separate and apart. We see each other as them when “they” are really “us”

How do you interact with your neighbour? Who are you judging today? Who are you wanting to do things your way because you are right and they are wrong?

Many times we do that not because of them, it’s because of you! Sort yourself out, see yourself differently and watch how the world changes right before your eyes



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