Thinking and Doing!

Don't fight the ego...just watch it - Deepak Chopra

This was my huge lesson this weekend! people construct their lives around two responses: thinking and doing. They think about things, and they do things; think about things and do things; think about things and do things. And what they do depends on what they think. It’s what people believe that creates their behavior. It is at the level of belief, not at the level of behavior, where humanity’s experience will be most profoundly modified. 

Many people would rather die for their beliefs—or kill others—than change them. It doesn’t matter whether the beliefs themselves are functional. It doesn’t matter whether they are making people happy and producing a better life. Some people would rather be unhappy doing what they believe, than happy doing something else.

And sometimes I fall into this category 
I've learned to start at my initial position, and say that to the other party, how much a difference to say " well my initial position on the matter is" rather than "My position on this matter is" based on a belief that may be totally off base!

Retreat is over, I learnt a lot, wisdom and learning can come from anywhere! I ate sooooo much this weekend, the discipline choice was not made! I was all in! Plus Arsenal lost the bloody game as well!


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