Do you have Boundaries?

Boundaries were necessary for a successful relationship. Most relationships aborted in the boundary defining stage. Not because people demanded what they needed. But because they didn’t, then got resentful about it.    Karen Morie Moring

Boundaries, oh Boundaries! My hardest lesson on the journey! I think of myself as a naturally kind and giving person. I love to help, to support, to send light, to be around positivity. And for that reason I make the extra effort to be kind to people, to show up smiling and to mind my own business.
And with this approach I have also learnt that there are those who are not in a position to receive my kindness and smiling. This is where boundaries come in, how do I draw a line in the sand when those who do not know how to receive my kindness? How do I not take this personally? How do I not keep looking for a way to "of help"? How do I say no?
How do I have a conversation with people about these boundareis and more than that, the consequences of jumping over the boundaries I set
I have been asking myself these questions.

Boundaries to me, is about self respect, it is about how I treat myself and treat others. Boundaries is how I take care of my mental and emotional health. Boundaries sets the tone on what I stand for and accept from myself and others.

Poor boundaries leads to emotional burnout and resentment- I ain't about that type of life now!
When I set a boundary I also respect myself more! What will I accept from you? What will I not accept? And am I ready to accept the consequences? Some people may not like boundaries, as a recovering people pleaser, this has been a challenge.

I have learnt that if I want everyone to like me no matter what, you don't need boundaries, but the consequences of that is a lack of self respect, resentment and regret! Newsflas, everyone cannot like me!
I have learnt that what I stand for will determine how I live and who I attract into my world
I have learnt that there can be renegotiation of boundaries and flexibility is part of the journey

Do you have boundaries?

 Have you read any of Akosua's work?
Nyabo (Madam) - Why Are You Here?
Daily Lessons on the Journey - A Journal

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