The Try Police

making a commitment means more than saying "I'll try." It means saying "I'm all in. I'm totally committed here. Even if the going gets rough. In fact, especially then." Les Brown

I've been called the "Try Police"
When people tell me "I'll try" or "I'm trying" I usually say to them - it is either you are doing or not doing - there is no try
Many people don't get it, some have started making a joke about it and calling me the "Try Police" I start policing them on their "try list"
I have learnt that saying that I am trying can be a cop out, it denotes that you may not be all in, not toally committed. So I have changed my language I am doing or not doing. Changing my language affects how I do things, or not do things
If I say "well I'm trying" it could mean at least I have started, it could mean well leave me alone, it can mean whatever happens I tried even if it was not a full on effort.
If I say I am doing, it means I am fully invested in it and kick starts my mindset to give it my all
Life according to Akosua 

Are you doing or not doing?


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