Football Fever

“For after all, the best thing one can do when it is raining is let it rain.” 
― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I am fascinated by football - the beautiful game as Pele calls it! I can sit and watch football for hours. Me and the telly! nothing else, time will pass I will not even remember to eat until the rumblings of my stomach reminds mw that it was not fed. Every four years 32 countries from around the world come together to play the World Cup, which determines the best footballing nation on the planet.
During this time, I am front middle and center in the thick of this celebration
I have never in my adult life missed this, even when I am travelling
I rememeber in 2010 I was in New Orleans, not a football city to say the least, and the time difference for when the games were being aired was mad! I eventually had to change hotels with one with football showing on the television.
So this season, it is quite strange that I have to miss games, it is quite an adjustment.I thought that I would literally die, however hey I am still alive! After the fuss, I totally accepted that the choices that I have made brought me here and this is where it is at!
I rush home though to see the highlights and listen secretly in the car! Yea it's just like that!

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