NiNa Vacation Programme - Day 1

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
 Maya Angelou

It's about that time again! The annual NiNa Vacation Camp has rolled around again.
This week 10 young ladies from the St Jude's Home for Girls come together with the aim of taking a business idea and pitching it to a panel of judges, in between there are some motivational speeches and a field trip or two.
This would not be possible without a couple of angels
Ms Patricia Ready Toby and Mr Avinash Ramsubhag and all the other speakers who come and volunteer their time freely. I am always eager to be here because I do learn so much from being around these young ladies, it is indeed a pleasure to be a part of this movement

Looking forward to all the lessons on this Journey



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