Do You Know Your Triggers?

Do the Work - Iyanla

Do you know what your triggers are? I'm talking about the things that piss you off when spoken, said and done because you haven't dealt with an issue, something you know is causing you to be defensive  to the point of shutting down?

Are there certain people that just piss you off, you think for no good reason? You think its because they were born.
I am of the view that there is always a reason, always a back story

I started realising that some things and some people trigger me, I decided to pay attention
I decided to face the honest brutal truth that they trigger me for a couple of reasons, I get jealous, I judge them and I don't want to deal with a back story, a memory from the past that got me angry that I had pushed to the back of my mind.
I strongly believe that we have responsibility for our choices, our responses, the moment we start blaming others and justifying our choices by saying its someone else who made us do it, then we start giving away our power and projecting onto others.
Awareness, acknowledgement and taking responsibility is the work
Avoidance is not the work! Thinking it will go away on its own is not the work
Facing it with the knowledge that going through the discomfort knowing that on the other side a decision will be made to push you forward, even though it may not be an easy decision is the work

Have you read any of Akosua's work?


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