Push the Boundaries

We are inspired by people who go beyond the norm and push the boundaries of possibility. Mediocrity, on the other hand, does not inspire. Nor does it lead to greatness. Success, however you define it, will elude you unless you are willing to push the limits you have placed on yourself and that others have placed on you.”

Have you ever sat down and defined what success means for you? Not the TV version, or your parent's version, or the society's version.
Your own version of success, that you sat and thought about, that involves big dreams and being frightened at its possibilities?
If you haven't ask yourself why
Have you ever sat down and thought about staying where you are just because it is comfortable? That it allows you to pay your bills and eat?
Is it a given that you do this until "better can be done" because you have responsibilities?
If you have, ask yourself - how am I feeling?
Your feelings are the guide
If you are denying your feelings, your life will reflect the truth of what is inside
If you are feeling a sense of joy and content, your life reflects this in your attitude, in your manner, in your approach, trust me, you absolutely cannot fake it. What is inside is reflected outside
If you are feeling frustrated and angry about where you at in life it will reflect in your life
You will also have unexplained aches and pains and ailments
Your life tells you everything
And the transformation is a process, however for a process to begin one must well.....begin! One must decide!
What I have learnt is defining my own version of what success is may not be in line with what others have for me, and I have to be okay with that
I have learnt that success is not a one size fits all
it involves courage and discipline and feeling all the feelings, because they are indeed guides
I have learnt that the process may not have the same timeline as I do! and most importantly, do not ever judge the process


Have you read any of Akosua's work?


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