Lessons in Getting Out of My Own Way

if no one else has said this to you. i am saying this to you. there is genius in you. there is splendor. wonder. gifts beyond gifts.Nayyirah Waheed
Lessons in Getting Out of My Own Way
1.    Mixed Messages Confuse the Universe – be clear, get clear, make a decision, take action, learn as you go then adjust
2.    Resist the temptation to use the words “try” “ah trying ah ting” substitute it with I will, I must, I can – so much more powerful
3.    Stop watering dead things
4.    The Universe never judges or criticizes us, it only takes us at the value we place on ourselves and then reflects that back to us in our daily lives
5.    Stop hanging out with the “what’s wrong and who’s to blame crew” – hang out with the possibility tribe
6.    Get Still (stop the busyness,running,defending everything, fighting, hiding under a cause) Ask Yourself – what changes must I make to move forward and then sum of the courage to make them
7.    Love Yourself through it All
8. Give thanks for the Lessons
 Have you read any of Akosua's work?
What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love

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