What I want the New Normal to Look Like

Telling our stories Frees us - Ebonee Davis

This is an uncertain time, we just cannot say when the stay at home orders will be lifted, we cannot pin point when we will be allowed to exercise outdoors again, when the borders will be reopened, and the list goes on and on. Uncertainly is scary, we human want to know. We want to plan, we want to be ready. Certainty makes a lot of us feel powerful. What is certain is that things are no longer normal. Normal has now taken on a new meaning whether we want to admit it or not.
I have committed to creating a new normal for myself, on the flip side. What I share below is what I would love to see in the world on the flip side of this.

1. Working From Home - more of this please!

2. Zoom Meetings  - Yes thank you

3. Remote Learning - Thanks again

4. Higher salaries and packages for nurses, healthcare workers, drivers, restaurant workers and grocery attendants, universal health care for all.

5. Growing more of our own food - Organics!

6. More Rest, Less Busyness

7. Innovative Business Models that focus on needs and not flattery alone

8. Resumption of Exercising outdoors

9. Respect for Nature and the Earth

10. Comfort in the discomfort of the unknown and not knowing everything

What Are some of the things you want to see on the flip side?

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