Pay Attention to Your Body's Signals

LISTENING TO THE NEEDS OF ONE'S BODY means to give it what it needs. Physically, it means giving your body food when it is hungry, rest when it is tired or allowing your body to sleep when it is sleepy. Because the other two bodies are much more subtle, it is more difficult to identify the times when we do not listen to their needs. Lise Bourbeau

Our bodies speak to us, gives us clues and messages. When we ignore the nudges from our bodies there are consequences, many times those consequences are pain and illness.
We have a tendency to look outside of ourselves for the reasons behind why we are feeling a certain way or have a particular pain.

Many times, we were given the signs by our bodies to pay attention in some way but being busy with our lives we either ignore it, pop a pill to stop the pain, justify why we cannot and must not stop and pay attention and carry on. Many times we wait until it is a crisis.

Pay attention to your body's signals, they are really guides on the journey.

My shoulder was paining for a while, I ignored it and continued as normal. One day I could not move, literally!
I realised after that I felt burdened with the matters that were occuring in my life, I believed I had to shoulder the weight alone, that if I shared it I would be looked at as not just weak but not having my own life and issues under control. I was  also not resting fully, going and going, traveling and working.

The pain stopped me in my tracks, I could not drive, could not run or walk, could not even put on my clothes properly for a couple of weeks, I had to do physical therapy to get the full use of my shoulder again. All stemming from not paying attention to my own signals and ignoring facing what I knew I was supposed to face and accept.

I now ask myself and my body when something is feeling off - "What are you saying to me?" before I do anything
So far, it has worked even when there are times I am totally shocked or pissed off at some of my own actions which are driven by fear and ego.
I just remain grateful that our bodies are so intelligent and love us so much that they take the time to get our attention


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