Growth is a Process
Give yourself grace as you journey toward who you are becoming. Growth is a process and the road usually includes some valleys. Dr Thema Growth is a process Every aspect of growth is a process. You name it, the growth process takes time and involves uncertainty, risk and failure. A baby - nine months in the womb, fraught with uncertainty, is a process. Cocoa - months of planting, pruning, and waiting, is a process. Getting a degree - months or years of study. This is a process. Growth and development of self as well is a process. A process, not an event. A process is a series of actions and events leading up to a specific goal or target. As part of the process there will be decisions, risks, set backs, uncertainty because of that we must have faith, trust in self, lack of judgement and self belief. Many times we fall into the trap of believing that a process is an event and so we put these limitations on ourselves, sometimes we put expectations on ourselves which are filled ...