Things Change...And that's Okay

it was for me at some point, but it isn’t for me anymore, and that’s okay. Billy Chapata

Life is flexible, ever changing, always moving.

This unnerves us because change and discomfort moves us out of our comfort zone. It brings uncertainty.
Who wants to change and shift into the unknown when there is no definite result, when it brings a level of pain.
Who wants to shift when time and money and everything related has been invested in where we are?
Getting attached to someone, something, some event brings pain and discomfort because every single thing is temporary. Our challenge is to remain in the moment and learn the lessons, get the joy, and let it go.
We hold on, we want it to be how it used to be, we want to go back and change, fix, ammend.
We have to honour the time we had and give thanks, it helps in the transisiton
Some things are "taken" from us when we are ready to move on to something else and our lessons are done.
Some things we must leave where they are and no amount of forcing it can make that change
we can grieve the loss and the change
and that's okay

Have you read any of Akosua's work?


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