What Are You Choosing?

    learning about the work and doing the work are two different things.

As the stay at home stipulations ease, more and more of us are re-entering the world. That sounds like a line out of a movie, like we were out of space or on the moon or something to that effect. - Re-enering the world!
Such has been the situation globally for the past few weeks.The global community have been asked to stay at home whilst the health care officials get a handle on the Corona virus. 
Since the stay at home orders have been in place, I have been , at home! It has been a while since I have interacted with anyone in a face to face work environment or for anything other than to get food. I did not one time enter the supermarket as well opting for delivery. I attempted to go to the bank on Friday and I could feel the trepedation when I saw people around me with no masks.
So I had to decide. 
What's it going to be?
How will I choose to show up in the world now?
If I am alone all the time, how will I know what I have learnt? How I have grown? There is no one around me to see what happens when  a fear or a trigger comes up.
It's these experiences that will be the telling, ones with people.
How many more webinars will I take to know if I will remain calm despite the or will not snap at others who I believe are putting me and others in danger by not practising social distancing or not wearing a mask?
Only going out there and doing it will be the  way!
So, how are you choosing to show up in the world post Corona?


Have you read any of Akosua's work?


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