We all have stories we tell ourselves

We all have stories we tell ourselves. We tell ourselves we are too fat, or too ugly, or too old, or too foolish. We tell ourselves these stories because they allow us to excuse our actions, and they allow us to pass off the responsibility for things we have done - maybe to something within our control, but anything other than the decisions we have made...And it is past time, I think, for you to stop telling that particular story, and tell the story of yourself. " Elanor Browne

One of my friends said yesterday that we are the stories that we tell ourselves. When she said it, I got really quiet. It resonated with me in a very pure way.
What stories have I been telling myself. subconsciously and consciously  that prevent me from either taking risks, avoiding growth or are keeping me stuck?

We become the stories that we believe. These are the stories that I am now eliminating from my world in order to change my beliefs

1. Money is in short supply and not easy to come by - a story to keep me always searching for money! 
2. Men are strange beasts - a story that leads to me putting up walls
3. I won't be able to live off only running my own business -  a story of not wanting to take risks
4. If I am over 150 pounds I will not be taken seriously by myself and others - a stoopid story
5. I need more qualifications - an old story
6. I must not rest until I get what I want - an unhealthy story

I am creating some new stories

1. Money is not the only measure of abundance, all my needs are always met
2. Men are doing their best with the knowledge and information that they have - I get to choose who I am around
3. I can live how I choose as all my needs are met
4. Eat healthy foods and exercise, make healthy choices and show up real
5. I use what I have and am open to learning from every experience
6. Rest is part of the Journey

What are the stories that are in your way and what new ones are you creating?


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