Divine Guidance

Trying to rationalize your intuition will create unhealthy attachments To interpretations you created Don’t press for logical explanations to validate your spiritual awakening That’s what all the healing is for So you can completely without question Trust yourself again - Soul Shifter

Me developing the courage to step out on the little bit that I understood even when I did not understand or see it.
Learning that discernment is not in the knowing, the full map or how to get from here to there, the discerning was stopping long enough to respond to the inner guidance that was rerouting me.
This discernment, this knowing is so deep within, we have to be willing to adjust
Don’t fight it
Don’t deny it
Don’t judge it
Just listen to it & get curious
But a lot of times you don’t want to hear it
But stay awake and trust that there is thing called Divine Guidance that always knows.


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What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love

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