What Is Your Intention?

Setting an intention is activating a part of your receptivity. If you were to go out in the day, and not have set any intention or created any type of prayer or manifestation of how you want the day to go, then you're getting on a bike with no direction

What is your intention?

One of the biggest lessons that I have learnt during this time is that whatever your intent is when doing something/anything - whether consciously or subconciously- will show up in the results.

The results will always reflect your intent.

When our intentions are clear and known, our movements reflect such.
When are intentions are not clear, this will also be reflected
When our intentions are impure, same result- shows up in the result.

The questions I ask myself now are:
What is my intention?
What is the driver behind my intention?

I have also learnt that my intentions can be broad and with that, I must be flexible on how it plays out.
So if my intention is to "be and do my best" - that can be reflected in so many ways.
If my intention is to compete that will come out as well
If my intention comes from an egoic space that will also come out in the result.
 Stating your intention to yourself is also a testament to yourself that you intend to be fully present.


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