The Law of Healing

Truthing isn’t necessarily easier to do, but it brings incredible ease to your life. And the more you do it, the easier it becomes. The courage, the classy delivery, the compassionate humour, it all becomes more accessible when you’re using your voice everyday. Danielle LaPorte
Everything is energy. The vibrational frequency determines whether this energy is light or is solid matter, such as a giant redwood tree.
Where fear exists in your life it can manifest itself as a blockage in relevant parts of your physical body. This fear may come from this life-time or past/parallel lifetimes. This blockage is restricting the flow of energy from performing at its maximum efficiency. When the circulation of your life force energy is restricted you feel imbalanced, out of sorts, ill, sick, sore, painful, incapable, non-functioning, near death. These blockages cause ill at ease feelings, dis-ease, disease, and possibly death.
Fear Unresolved Manifests As Illness. Your thoughts create your reality. If you think you are sick, you become sick and remain sick. Your healing comes from love manifested as light. Your unconditional love of yourself prevents illness, alternatively, kickstarts your healing process by replacing fear with love. Your healing light, or the healing light brought from someone else, is stronger in its vibrational frequency than the illness, the blockage, caused from fear, which has a low vibrational frequency. This higher vibrational frequency obliterates the lower vibrational frequency.
Identify your fears, face them head on, but have "only love" as your weapon to defeat these fears. Stand in your integrity; say "What would Love do now?" Act and facing fears - do it - and watch these fears dissolve in the light of truth and love.
Pain is required for your healing, growth and evolvement. Pain is part of the process of healing. It identifies the blockage. It is intensified when the blockage is dissolved or removed and the absence of that pain tells you that you are healed. Come only from love, create the light of higher vibrational frequency, face your fears while standing in your integrity and see these fears dissolve, feel pain free and have an attitude of gratitude. Now count your blessings in appreciation, gratitude and in unconditional self love for your new found health. Believe you are healed. Believing is Seeing!
LAWS FROM: Guide Spea

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