What's Your Why?

In order to get where you need to be, you will be rejected by people, situations, and circumstances that are not right for you or do not show up at the right time. If you give up after the first no, the first betrayal, you will never find your rightful place. Every "no" you encounter is a trust-building opportunity. Every rejection you experience has the potential to deepen your capacity to trust yourself and the process of life - Iyanla I have learnt that the No's are essential, I have learnt that the No's build me up, I have learnt to not take the No's personally, that it is all part of a bigger picture that at the time I know absolutely nothing about, I have learnt to feel the feelings when I get the No's. I have learnt that when I am grounded and know clearly my intentions, I can feel the feelings associated with the No much easier, some No's are hard though, especially when you believe in all your heart that it is what you wanted, that it will ...