
"Often people attempt to live their lives backwards: they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then, do what you need to do, in order to have what you want."
Margaret Young, was a popular singer and comedienne in the United States in the 1920s.

 I was in Juba which is on the border of Uganda and South Sudan I began to think about all the things that I have that I have been stressing about. My house, my car, a new laptop. I got out of the car and walked to the back of the farm where the office is and they greeted me as family. After all the pleasantries I asked where can I charge by phone? Well you can charge it here on Wednesday no problem! I was like did she just say Wednesday? but today is Friday. I asked what do you mean? She said well the power is scheduled to be back on Wednesday so just be ready! all excited and pleasant. Then she said let's eat, we must give thanks!
OK then! Do I really need the phone until Wednesday or do I need to eat? Eat I say!

Today I thought of that story because I have to speak to the bank about my house and what decisions I will take given my decision to leave Trinidad without finding a tenant first and falling behind in my mortgage. Big decision today! Got to make decisions based on love and not fear and of course take responsibility!

So what did I learn?
It's question time during meditation. This ignorance isn't bliss in fact this ignorance isn't even as good as it gets. I've been living ahead of myself, backward progression. I've been getting carried away. I've been joining in the race that you told me not to run, joining in the chase for the face of the sun. I've been getting carried away but this ain't my mission and this I know, I've been joining in the talking thing, the telling who I am and seeing who agrees,  in the land of marketed belief and documented grief. I've been living ahead of myself in the past tense backward progression. But I'm ready. I'm ready now, I'm ready! I'm ready right now. I'm accountable for me! (Adapted from Affirmation by Natalie Stewart)



  1. Home is were you make it Ako...Once you have health, strength and spiritual guidance, any thing that is taken away will return in another form, sometimes several times over. With all the exploration that you have been doing, who may settle permanently in another country!It is so enlightening when you find persons who appreciate life and are not overly obsessed with keeping up appearances via the hording of physical items. Yes acquisition is a good thing, but these things come and go. What is important is that you stay strong and true and blessings will surely follow you

  2. Thank you sis! You are so on point!! I truly appreciate the words of wisdom!


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