Don't find an excuse find a way

Don’t figure out how to put it off until later. Use your energy and intelligence and time to get it done now. Let go of the urge to complain about how things are. Remind yourself that you can make things better, and challenge yourself in each moment to do just that. There’s no need to be dismayed at how hard it will be. Choose instead to be enthusiastic about how much of a real difference you can make. What really matters is not what’s pushing against you. What matters is how how authentically  committed you are to moving forward. Ralph Marston

I truly believe in being in the present moment, I say it all the time - Now is all I got! I've learnt that being present, being in the moment, focusing on now is a sure way of releasing stress! When I find myself thinking about what I have to do, what I didn't do yet I remind myself that no one promised me tomorrow so focus on the moment. It is really a feeling of freedom. I can choose to focus on what I have to do, or what I did not do or I can choose to focus on what I am doing now and give it all my attention and energy because when its done I just created a memory, a piece of history! How awesome is that?

I have been telling myself this today, singing it like a mantra! Why? I have been working on a research project on women entrepreneur's in Trinidad and Tobago which is due in 3 weeks time, in the middle of that I am travelling overseas and of course there's living to do!  So I focus on now because Now is all I have for sure! I focus on finding a way and not finding excuses on moving forward!

So what did I learn?

Complaining continues to create the vibration of what you don't want. As Bob Marley says complaining is praying to the devil! Today, take your focus off of what is wrong and focus on what is right and how you desire things to be. Put all your love, energy, mental power and decision making towards what you want and do not entertain thoughts that are to the contrary. You are more responsible for the way you feel than your environment, circumstances or relationships. Step towards love today, step towards solution.



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