What's the dream in you?

You are not separate from your hopes and dreams, you are only separate from knowing that they are real and the only truth your soul knows. You can't buy into fear and fuly realise  your highest potential;it only comes from love and service- Jackson Kiddard Author

Guys, dreams do come true and let me tell you it feels pretty awesome when they do!! But I've learnt that you have to put the work in , you have to be focused and you have to do it in love! I have always wanted to work with women serving in a big way and changing lives, this is becoming a reality next month when I move out to East Africa and boy oh boy it only happened when I surrendered fear based thoughts! It wasn't without its challenges and I know that more challenges will come. I'm ready!
So I've learnt that dreams do come true, that what you dream about is a fraction of what God has in mind for you! I've learnt that love and gratitude are really keys that open doors, and that those who are for you will be happy and those that aren't well bless them and move on!



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