Do you have a mask?

The greatest act of courage is to be and to own all of who you are—without apology, without   excuses, without masks to cover the truth of who you are.—Debbie Ford

I was listening to David Rudder on random selection yesterday, I like his music a lot!! Anyways, the song came on and it's not like I haven't heard the song like a trillion times but somehow it felt like the first time when the lyric belted out " You walk with with your masquerade but you still wear another, what's the one that is truly you? Behind your mask is your centre, don't you ever leave once you enter, just see yourself and don't you be afraid"
I started thinking about all the masks that we feel that we must wear depending on the situation that we find ourselves in, quite tiring at times. The mask at work, at the gym, with the neighbours- phew! One can forget who one really is!! I've learnt that being authentic is power, its freedom, who's supposed to be on the bus with you will be. it weeds out so many situations and people. Just pretty awesome once you get the courage to never leave once you enter behind the mask!

So what did I learn?
Authenticity- showing up with no masks! It demands no comparison.You cannot compare yourself or what you do to anyone else. It means that you must do what you do the way you do it and allow everyone else the same courtesy. You must be willing to tell the truth- about everything! Own it, own everything you create internally and externally. I've learnt that in order to be authentic, I must be willing to acknowledge and accept everything I think say and do!


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