What about compassion?

I want to remind us all that the world is listening, all the time. How we are ripples out from us into the world and affects others. We have a responsibility - an ability to respond - to the world. Finding our particular way of living this responsibility, of offering who we are to the world, is why we are here. We are called because the world needs us to embody the meaning in our lives. God needs us awake. The world we live in is a co-creation, a manifestation of individual consciousness woven into a collective dream. How we are with each other as individuals, as groups, as nations and tribes, is what shapes that dream." - Oriah Mountain Dreamer, author & poet.

I was thinking about all the different people and personalities that I have encountered and as much as we are all different I've learnt that we are really all the same. I found myself drawn into a discussion on "the way we do things at home" and I found myself really unconsciously trying to make the other person wrong. But then the penny dropped, there's no wrong, its just different, why try to make people wrong for doing something differently. Then it hit me compassion, that is important on this journey because I will definitely be meeting so many different people. I looked up the definition of compassion and this is what I came up with "Compassion - the ability to see error without the need to condemn. An open and understanding heart with the ability to offer mercy, truth and love"

So I've learnt that I need to keep an open mind, my way is not the only way and certainly not the right way. You must be strong to be compassionate, you must be strong enough to know that you are not being attacked for your choices, that what's wrong for you may be absolutely right for someone else. to realise that the ego is not your amigo and taking things personally is a waste of time!



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