Anything that angers you is for teaching you forgiveness and compassion.

Love doesn’t have to be fixed by you, or changed by you. You don’t have to do anything for love. If you feel that you need to fix them or change them, then you are in lust and not in your right mind. It’s not love. Iyanla Vanzant (the boss!)

You don’t have to do anything for love! Take a moment to get that! Be yourself, show up as yourself at all times and believe that you are worthy of having it.I am learning that lesson on this journey. Trying to “fix” things and people! No, let it be and make a choice. Your choice is to accept or move on! Acceptance does not mean approving or liking it, it means acknowledging that it exists and at times still doing what you do anyway. Keep living your truth and your way and maybe something will rub off on the other person or other party. The stress begins when you start to moan or complain about “they are doing it wrong” or “ this is not the right way to do things”!

Now the question was asked why you spend so much time alone. I thought about it for a minute. I really do! It’s been like that ever since I have known myself, I like my company. And that’s not devaluing or saying that I don’t like other people’s company but it just seems natural to me to spend time with me. Thinking about it more deeply I have come to realize that I can depend on myself and depending on people has always been something that I am weary of because I am in fear of being let down. Revelation time!!But a new perspective was put forward and I totally get it How would you know if you have evolved as a person if you spend the majority of time alone, how would you know to apply all the lessons you have learnt on your journey without interacting with people? See what your response will be from getting let down, from getting your heart broken, I am not saying to invite it, but that’s one of the best ways you will learn how far you have come and how far you need to go. Hmmmm!!

 So what did I learn today?
Consider this:
Anything that annoys you is for teaching you patience.
Anyone who abandons you is for teaching you how to stand up on your own two feet.
Anything that angers you is for teaching you forgiveness and compassion.
Anything that has power over you is for teaching you how to take your power back.
Anything you hate is for teaching you unconditional love.
Anything you fear is for teaching you courage to overcome your fear



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