Feast on your life

Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart to itself, to the stranger who has loved you  all your life, whom you ignored for another, who knows you by heart. Sit. Feast on your life. Derek Walcott Nobel Laureate

Cooking in Kampala. I will be honest I prefer to eat than to cook. My philosophy is to stick to your strengths! With that in mind I said ok I will cook whenever I feel too. Seems that is really frowned upon in this town. Who knew?? Sometimes I even get dirty looks and the high pitched “Madam”! So with that in mind I was kindly and politely introduced to Vivian. Viv, bless her, was assigned to “teach me to cook” her duty was to cook and show me how to make all those lovely Ugandan dishes. For the record I can cook I just prefer to eat! Viv shows up this morning, I opened the door and there she was with food to cook that would feed the nation! Viv, where are you going with all that food? Green bananas, spinach, fresh peas, sweet potatoes, English potatoes, avocadoes, ochros, man like she bought out the market! She says Madam, we will cook daily! We????? I am grateful for Viv, I’m going to be eating really well. I said to myself, stand up, step forward and get busy making the most of now because now is all I have for sure! I will take advantage of the “free cooking lessons” in the Now.

So what did I learn today?
Gratitude. The units of understanding increase with experience. Value. Grateful for everything. Every moment that one would seem to wish to undo. Understanding now the past and it's truths. From fighting to stay the same to accepting that one must change. And my appreciation has multiplied, so much so that I embrace it all. Not just parts, but the whole story. Give thanks.



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