Try something new

Relax, and let the fears dissolve. Be at peace, and allow the abundance to flow through you. Ralph Marston

 I did a ten K race yesterday to raise funds for the Budunda region, the aim is to raise enough funds to assist the people of that region to have a clean and decent water supply. When they asked me to do it all the reasons why I shouldn’t do it came up,  Never ran a 10k race before, the sun will be too hot, why me, I have to wake up at 4am how will I? blah blah blah! Then I sat and thought hmm why are you here? You made a commitment to yourself to keep an open mind and a willing spirit and if this is part of what it takes to do your part then suck it up and give it a go! So I did the race, I’m right proud of me! I finished it and had a load of fun and raised some cash for the cause!

So what did I learn today?

 I’ve learnt that there is always something that I can do right where I am with what I have. I have learnt that taking action is always a great way to learn rather than trying to predict the outcome and I have learnt that there is nothing more powerful than a made up mind! Live by intention, not by reaction. Set your standards as high as you can envision, and live each day to surpass those standards. Peace!!


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