Its not about the "stuff"

You're not what you have and you're not what you do; you're an infinite, divine being disguised as a successful person who has accumulated a certain amount of stuff. The stuff is not you. For that reason, you must avoid being attached to it in any way.” Neale Donald Walsh

“Stuff” is nice! It makes life comfortable, the challenge starts when we get attached to “stuff” and identify ourselves with our “stuff” I have been guilty of that for more than a hot minute! I loved my stuff and I identified myself with it in many ways. Forget service, forget giving back, its about what I had, owned, the stuff! Well a funny thing happened when I started questioning myself and my purpose. Stuff started to fall away. Trust me when I say resist the urge to hang on to the “stuff”!! It is most times ego based and unconscious behaviour. Looking for outside validation that you have made it because of what you have!
I thought about the “stuff” story because as you know here in Kampala there isn’t much “stuff” for the majority of folks, they get by on stoves using coal (yeah coal!!), intermittent power and water supplies and food grown freshly on site or cheap fresh food. So I get here and I am asking for “stuff” and they look at me like what planet did you just land from. “so madam let’s go through the list that you want” By the time I was done the list was down to two items, a microwave and a kettle. Everything else was nice and great to have but really I could have done without! I just said wow!!  Yesterday I went looking for a microwave; I took it for granted that this was a normal everyday item. Doesn’t everyone have a microwave? No, not around these parts! Anyways I found one, its not a cheap item at all!! I’m going to cherish my microwave and kettle while I am here and remember that I am not my “stuff”. Life goes on!

So what did I learn today?
There is nothing you need that you do not already have!



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