Choose to Shine

To have a really good life means sticking with something long enough to see if it works for you, admitting when it doesn't, moving on without fear or anger and exacting the blessings from the lessons, because you know that every lesson is a blessing. Iyanla Vanzant , author and motivational speaker (absolute boss )
Tomorrow is my last training session for 2012, it will be held in Kampala. After this everyone goes back to their various districts and villages until next year. I am looking forward to it as I learn so much from these sessions.  Every training session must include a component on gender and gender sensitivity. With different cultures I see how gender is perceived.  There are some totally radical participants who believe that women are only meant for certain roles and duties. It is interesting to see after the sessions whether they have a different point of view.

I've learnt that I am not here to change anyone’s minds, to judge or condemn. I've learnt that I cannot “change” anyone and that is an important lesson in life. All I can do is be myself and live authentically. I love the saying when people show you who they are believe them the first time, what I can do is choose how to respond. That’s awesome, I get to choose how I respond to people then you take responsibility.

So what did I learn?
Just shine no matter what. “You think you are punishing other people by denying them your brilliance of your light. You go around trying to pick and choose the brightness of your being. Who are you to determine who deserves what? You haven’t even figured out that YOU deserve Your own light so how are you going to figure out who else deserves it? You just learn to shine on you. If you learn to shine on your own self, no matter what you do or don’t do everything else will be handled. Instead of trying to figure out whether or not you should shine on the other person because what they did or didn’t do, put your attention back on you. Shine your light on yourself -regardless of whether you are just or unjust- Learn to just shine.”


  1. it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us

    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

    Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.....excerpts from Marianne


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