Cup your hands and let the world pour in
Hold it all. Cup your hands and let the world pour in. Say yes, not no. Yes to bounty, to the lessons, the gladness, the pain, the fleeting joy, the opportunities that your life is offering you. Strike the buts from your very heart. That smallness, pettiness, stinginess and fear has no place in this life you’re living. Take this day –– this one, precious day –– and face into the wind. Remember what the great Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield has to say about what it is to be human: this too, this too, this too …. Dani Shapiro The end of my tour of duty in Uganda is quickly approaching; this morning while I was meditating I felt this strong sense of gratitude come over me. What I realised after was that it was due to the opportunity that I was given to be here, to spend some time in this awesome Continent and learn so much, not just about the country and its people but about myself! I have had the opportunity to spend more time...