It is Long Overdue

For negativity attracts negativity. And that which we give out is that which returns. Thought energy is a precious commodity. To give one's imagination away is to give one of the tools of manifestation away. Don't be bittered and stiffened and rotted, from the inside out. Let life flow. Breathe. Be. Become. (Natalie Stewart)

I am making changes in my life. And they are long overdue.

I’m taking better care of myself today. And that is long overdue.

 I’m separating myself from hurtful people today. And that is long overdue.

 I’m not pretending that some things, some relationships, are any different than they actually are today. And that is long overdue.

With respect to social ―obligations, I’m not making more work for myself. And that is long overdue.

I’ve decided that I don’t need to explain myself to anyone for any reason ever! And that is long, long overdue.

I’m accepting that genetic connection doesn’t mean that people can love you or be there for you in a way that doesn’t hurt. And that is long, long overdue.

I’m really, REALLY getting that duty is a social construct that I don’t have to participate in. And that is long, long overdue.

 I’m exercising my beautiful body more these days. And that is long overdue.

I’ve sold my big, expensive house that has kept me worried. And anxious. And frightful. And that was long overdue.

 I’m settling less, not clutching one bit on to anything or anyone. And that is long, long overdue.

I’m seeing things for what they are. And that is long, long overdue.

I’ve decided I’ve paid my dues, that I don’t ―owe anyone anything. And, oh lord, that is the longest of long, long overdue things ever!

 One day, I’ll be dead. And I don’t want to get there before I’ve had a few days to actually live. My life. Not the life that the world would have me live. To do that, I need to let go of what the world thinks I ought to believe, do, and participate in. I’m loving myself today. Completely. As I already am. Not as I think I ought to be. Not as I think the world thinks I ought to be. And that is long, long overdue.  Peace!!

Adapted from the book Breakthrough by Jennifer Boykin


  1. Long Overdue but never Too Late!!!!...congrats on confirming your breakthrough!!!!
    Is the on-line book by Boykin good?

    1. Thank you! I am loving Boykin's work! she also has a weekly column in the Huffington post which is worth having a look!! Peace!


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