El Salvador I am here!

You are exactly where you are because all that you have to give and receive is right where you are now. Where you are now is valuable and important, everything you can so is doable right where you are. If you were over there or over here there would be a big void where you are now. How much do you believe in who you are?, serve where you are and use what you know can make a very big difference in who you become, where you go and what you do when you get to the next place!

Been here for a few days now, I must admit, my soul feels great! That's my measure of a place! I ask my soul or it just tells me immediately!
I love the place! I am excited to start working here in 2015 and I give thanks for this opportunity

It's been a packed few days!
Robert my guide picked me up with his wife and son and we have been on the road for two days, we even got down to the Guatemalan border!
El Salvador is a mixture of modern and throw back! There are malls like the US and then there are ancient towns with donkey's and art and magnificent churches! I have managed to even do a hike to see a volcano as well!!
I have been practicing my Espanol with little success! providing laughs for a few of the natives in the mix!

I have a free day tomorrow so will be resting and writing a bit!!
Hope that your Christmas was awesome!!!


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